Young and talented Cameron Gellman, born on November 10, 1996, is an American on-screen actor who is known for his prominent roles in, Let the Right One In, Heathers, and Stargirl.

Learn the biography and some intriguing facts about Cameron below:

Cameron Gellman Biography & Early Life

Prior to Fame: Cameron went to Clayton High School for his studies. The 23 years old actor was born in Missouri. Unfortunately, there is not much information related to her parents, early life.

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Nevertheless, Cameron follows the Christian religion and belongs to Caucasian ethnicity. Presently he lives in LA, California in a lavish house filled with all the facilities we ever desire of.

Cameron Gellman Affair/Girlfriend/Dating

With respect to his relationship status, it stays obscure right now. The 1.83 m tall star seems like the guy who prefers anonymity regarding his personal life. It’s also the reason why there is no information related to his life behind ‘reel’ and ‘camera’.

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But if you are curious to know parts of his personal life then you can check out his social media presence such as Instagram.


Complete Name: Cameron Roth Gellman

Nicknames: None that we know of.

Birthday: November 10, 1996

Age: 23 years of age

Origin: Missouri, US

Current Residence: California

Education: Clayton High School

Career: Actor

Nationality: American

Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian

Religion: Christian

Zodiac: Scorpio

Companion/Girlfriend: Not Available

Tallness: 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm)

Weight: 71 kg approximately.

Random data/Facts that you most likely didn’t have the foggiest idea

So this is all we got today for Cameron Gellman. Stay tuned and updated with The Celebs Closet for more articles about your favorite celebrity.