Every celebrity we know is from different fields and career. We know them from their professional life, but we merely get information about their personal life. We are not talking about their affairs and dates today, but we are talking about their regular life.

All of us know that pet is the only thing that can keep us fresh while at home. If you ask me, I would reply that my LOBO is my friendly pet who never give me chance to be bored. Well, for celebrities too, pets are their only friend sometimes. So today, we will be disclosing 12 cutest celebrity pets you need to know right now!

Anne Hathaway’s Pet

Pet Dog of Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway’s Pets

Emmy Rossum’s Pets

Emmy Rossum's Cute Dog
Emmy Rossum’s Pets

Hugh Jackman’s dog

Hugh Jackman holding his pet dog
Huge Jackman’s dog

Jessica Biel’s Pets

Two Pitbulls of Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel’s Dogs

Kendall Jenner’s dog

Kendall Jenner Holding Her Pet Dog
Kendall Jenner’s Dog

Liam Hemsworth’s dog

Mily Cyrus's Husand Liam Hemsworth's Pet Dog
Liam Hemsworth’s Dog

Read More: Miley Cyrus’ Partner Liam Hemsworth Married Life

Lisa Vanderpump’s dog

Lisa Vanderpump's Pomerian
Lisa Vanderpump’s Puppy

Miley Cyrus’ Piggy

Liam Hemsworth's Wife Miley Cyrus' Pet Pig
Miley Cyrus’ Piggy

Find out: Miley Cyrus Married Liam Hemsworth

Paris Hilton’s Pets

Paris Hilton's Holding Her Pet Dogs
Paris Hilton’s Dogs

Rachel Ray’s dog

Rachel Ray's Pet Dog
Rachel Ray’s Dog

Ryan Gosling’s dog

Ryan Gosling's Pet Dog
Ryan Gosling’s Dog in a Show

Sandra Bullock’s Dogs

Sandra Bullock's Pets
Sandra Bullock’s Holding Her Dogs